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The Internet of Damned Things

We have to be aware that when you cre­ate mag­ic or occult things, when they go wrong they become hor­ror. Because we cre­ate tech­nolo­gies to soothe our cul­tur­al and social anx­i­eties, in a way. We cre­ate these things because we’re wor­ried about secu­ri­ty, we’re wor­ried about cli­mate change, we’re wor­ried about threat of ter­ror­ism. Whatever it is. And these devices pro­vide a kind of stop­gap for help­ing us feel safe or pro­tect­ed or whatever.

Selfies & security

We use the norms and tools soci­ety gives us to express the feel­ings we have about our­selves and oth­ers. But we’re vul­ner­a­ble, and this is proven even more­so with events like The Snappening, where thou­sands of sup­pos­ed­ly pri­vate images, and ephemer­al images, were leaked, many of which were nudes of young women. 

Privacy, cen­sor­ship, and secu­ri­ty in the Middle East

So I got curi­ous, and I asked myself what is the Iranian Internet, and who is the Iranian user? I was pissed off enough, like I said, to take a step or to feel the urge to do some­thing. To feel the urge of mak­ing some­thing. And the thing that I real­ly want­ed to bring across was that cen­sor­ship is hap­pen­ing in a dif­fer­ent coun­try, where it’s being used to bring across infor­ma­tion, to make voic­es heard. 

Threat Modeling and Operational Security

I fig­ured I would give a pre­sen­ta­tion to bet­ter explain the work that I do and show, hope­ful­ly not too tech­ni­cal, but show how you can think about the way you go about your online life and the traces you leave online, and what this means for the work that you do, the peo­ple you inter­act with, and so on.

Deep Lab intro­duc­tion by Golan Levin

I con­ceived to invite Addie Wageknecht, who is an American and Austrian artist, who’s been deal­ing with issues of pri­va­cy and secu­ri­ty to say, What would you do?” and she pro­posed to get a dozen of the baddest-ass ladies that she knew togeth­er to brain­storm what it meant to make art nowa­days, and to deal with culture.

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