
José Soriano’s Internet Hall of Fame 2019 Induction Speech

It’s a great hon­or to be induct­ed in the Internet Hall of Fame. I don’t do it in my name alone. I do it for all the Peruvians who work in this net­work we built in the 90s. We learned very well the teach­ings of Randy Bush. Sometimes when he taught us tech­nol­o­gy with love, and we saw poet­ic, hip­pie, unre­pen­tant words. And we cre­at­ed with that a vision. 

Steve Huter’s Internet Hall of Fame 2014 Induction Speech

I came along in the ear­ly 1990s to join the Internet devel­op­ment com­mu­ni­ty, at a time when this work was cul­ti­vat­ed by a mix of acad­e­mia, gov­ern­ment, and indus­try. And it was real­ly start­ing to flour­ish, and the growth of the Net was start­ing to explode at that point with two to three new coun­tries join­ing you know, every every month or two with their full TCP/IP connections.

Randy Bush’s Internet Hall of Fame 2012 Induction Speech

We mean well, but we also do good and we also do dam­age. Well-meaning Americans did some­thing called the Leland Initiative, which broke net­work­ing in the indige­nous net­works in ten African coun­tries and empow­ered the PTT monopolies.