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Collusion pilot episode

We firm­ly believe that no tech­nol­o­gy is neu­tral, and that pow­er and tech­nol­o­gy are inex­tri­ca­bly inter­linked. In this pod­cast, we want to explore this rela­tion­ship fur­ther, think­ing about the pow­er dynam­ics that are, and have been in the past, cre­at­ed by technology.

No Neutral Ground in a Burning World

Geek cul­ture and hack­er cul­ture used to be rel­a­tive­ly apo­lit­i­cal, but now every action that you take and every piece of code that you write has polit­i­cal effects. You may may intend some of these effects, you may not intend most of these effects, but they’re there and we need to start think­ing about and under­stand­ing these changes.

Ingrid Burrington at Deep Lab

So much of the work that is being done by the gov­ern­ment is actu­al­ly being done by third par­ties, and it’s a very lucra­tive busi­ness. So I went to this office park and kind of just walked around it, and it’s bor­ing. It’s real­ly kind of weird and bor­ing and it’s weird to think about the fact that these com­pa­nies that are enor­mous and involved in pret­ty unseem­ly shit appear like this, like this kind of crap­py build­ing with this kind of crap­py pub­lic art.

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