
Exploring (Semantic) Space With (Literal) Robots

I’ve made it my goal as a com­put­er poet not to imi­tate exist­ing poet­ry but to find new ways for poet­ry to exist. So what I’m going to do in this talk is take this metaphor of explor­ing lit­er­a­ture to its log­i­cal conclusion.

Strange Bedfellows: Digital Humanities, Internet Art, and the Weird Internet

I’m here at MITH today, and I want­ed to talk a lit­tle bit about dig­i­tal human­i­ties from my posi­tion as an inter­est­ed out­sider. I’ve always kept a fin­ger in acad­e­mia, at first through game stud­ies and peo­ple study­ing video games, and more recent­ly through elec­tron­ic lit­er­a­ture and those fields. I’m not going to go into a what is it?” debate because I know every­one who’s in dig­i­tal human­i­ties is very tired of those, but we know when we see it, right?