
Persons of Consequence

New technologies open possibilities, and close other possibilities. We live in eco-technical niches as anybody else in the world, but we create our niches and we change them. So we adapt to the niches that we already have built in the past, and then we change them and create new niches in which we will adapt. But the changing is exactly what we need to understand.

The Conversation #25 – Frances Whitehead

Some of my artist friends think what I’m doing isn’t art, and I’ve given up on art. It’ll take care of itself. You know. I mean it’s always been there, it will always be there, and we always know that new art never looks like art at first, ever. So why should this be any different? We just have to trust the process. And I would say that must be true for every other discipline.

Imaginary London

What I’d like to to look at is alternative versions of London, unbuilt buildings, different structures from fantastical literature (science fiction, that sort of thing), and just see how that reframes the city that we inhabit every day. How it makes us see it with perhaps new eyes.