How many black designers do you know? If you find that there’s not many or you don’t know any at all, that’s actually perfectly okay. That’s fine. And part of the reasoning I think behind this is that you know, we don’t really know where they are. We don’t see them because they’re not reflected in our design media.

I think we need to take a look at what we find to taste good. And I think a lot of people throw away food. As Juergen mentioned, we throw away 1.3 billion tons of food a year. That’s a third of the food that is produced. Which is just probably the easiest way to reducing hunger in the world. Being more resourceful, much more frugal about it.

I was visiting New York, and I got to see people who were coding who did not look like the people at my startup. Who did not act like the people at my startup. It was a very different program, obviously a lot of artists. That was really interesting to me, and I was like, “Oh. These are atypical developers. Maybe I could be an atypical developer.”