
Southern Discomfort — Confronting Culinary Injustice and Promoting Culinary Reconciliation in the Old South

My job is to inte­grate the brands of exclu­sion cre­at­ing a world of south­ern American food, by rein­tro­duc­ing peo­ple to the African ances­tors of American cook­ing, and by exten­sion restor­ing respect and dig­ni­ty for what they gave.

On Guts

Why did we pick the theme? It seems that when I’m with René or oth­er chefs, younger cooks come up to us and they always ask, How did you do it?” Or, Why did you become suc­cess­ful?” Besides it being a team effort, I think it all starts with the seed, a plant of an idea, you know, plant­i­ng an idea.