
Framing Art with Larp

I start­ed out by want­i­ng to get rid of what trou­bled me with larp­ing. And I did that by cre­at­ing some­thing new. I not only end­ed up with this arts col­lec­tive respon­si­ble for a series of per­for­mances, but I was also find­ing my gates to a whole new field of artis­tic research.

Larp and…

I’m going talk to you guys about larp and. Larp and a whole lot of oth­er things. Because I think the most inter­est­ing things about larp are maybe not actu­al­ly larp itself, but when larp meets a whole bunch of the rest of the world.

Does Larp Design Matter?

When we design larps, we’re play­ing basi­cal­ly with the build­ing block of cul­ture. Not just of fic­tion­al cul­tures, real cul­ture as well. But ask­ing peo­ple to act as if is not enough to make a larp. As larp writ­ers, we need you to act as if, together.