
Knit One, Compute One

The very first line of any knit­ting pat­tern looks some­thing like this, Cast on 24 stitch­es.” And that means to cre­ate that ini­tial row of loops on the nee­dle. Well I looked at that and my brain imme­di­ate­ly rec­og­nized well that’s just a for loop.

How to Knit a Popular History of Media

Morse code knit­ting is a com­po­nent of a larg­er study that I’m doing on the cul­ture of bina­ry sys­tems across many cen­turies. One premise of that his­tor­i­cal inves­ti­ga­tion is that the pow­er­ful adapt­abil­i­ty of bina­ry sys­tems is revealed part­ly through their diversity.