
Biased Data Panel Introduction

The pan­el will exam­ine how real world-biases and inequal­i­ty are repli­cat­ed and sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly inte­grat­ed into neu­tral algo­rithms and databases.

Biased Data Panel Discussion

I think that we need a rad­i­cal design change. And I might ask if I were teach­ing an HCI class or design class with you, I would say, How are you going to design this so that not one life is lost?” What if that were the design imper­a­tive rather than what’s your IPO going to be?

Biased Data Panel Q&A

We’re los­ing our abil­i­ty to for­get the things that should be for­got­ten. Wait until you try to run for Senate or Congress, some of you in this room, and some pic­tures or text roll up.

p5js Diversity & FLOSS Panel Q&A

Sara Hendren: One proac­tive thing we do with stu­dents at Olin in their first year on team col­lab­o­ra­tive projects is we have them iden­ti­fy and sep­a­rate the team’s goals from their indi­vid­ual learn­ing goals. 

Johanna Hedva at p5js Diversity

I want­ed to begin my talk by mak­ing a con­fes­sion that I am a total out­sider to your com­mu­ni­ty in the sense that I don’t usu­al­ly code. I want­ed to give you a lit­tle sto­ry to locate me, and how I got to where I am today in being part of this com­mu­ni­ty but from a dif­fer­ent perspective.