
Kimberly Claffy’s Internet Hall of Fame 2019 Induction Speech

So many pre­vi­ous awardees have spo­ken of the mag­ic sauce of the Internet. The oppo­site of secret sauce, I guess, because they all use the word open.” Open stan­dards, open archi­tec­ture, open source. They said this open­ness is what made the Internet the Internet. Which sounds most­ly right, although not much like how we expe­ri­ence the Internet today. 

The Ideas of John Perry Barlow in Uncertain Times

If you’re look­ing to the ques­tion how can the whole thing be reg­u­lat­ed, how can one get con­trol of this whole envi­ron­ment, so as to cre­ate a world in which those orig­i­nal free­doms that Barlow was talk­ing about are shared by every­one, the answer is you can’t do it.