
Ten Years of Terror: Michael Hardt

What’s most sig­nif­i­cant about September 11th ten years on I think is the illu­sion that it cre­at­ed of the end of pol­i­tics. By the end of pol­i­tics I mean the notion that force could rule. That ter­ror could effectively…be suf­fi­cient for pow­er. And this was an illu­sion I think that was rec­og­niz­able at the time of September 11th but almost impos­si­ble to say. Almost impos­si­ble to say because of a vari­ety of con­di­tions of the dra­mat­ic nature of the event, and also of the forces of pow­er that are arraigned with it.

Computers That Just Work
Trying to Finally Automate Away Bureaucracy

Everybody thinks of bureau­crats as being kind of a neu­tral force. But I’m going to make the case that bureau­crats are in fact a very strong­ly neg­a­tive force, and that automat­ing the bureau­crat­ic func­tions inside of our soci­ety is nec­es­sary for fur­ther human progress.

Biased Data Panel Discussion

I think that we need a rad­i­cal design change. And I might ask if I were teach­ing an HCI class or design class with you, I would say, How are you going to design this so that not one life is lost?” What if that were the design imper­a­tive rather than what’s your IPO going to be?