
2013 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: John Perry Barlow

My greatest hope, and the thing I’ve been working for most of my life now, is that it will realize itself as being something that makes it possible for anybody to know anything that they’re capable of knowing. Which I think is a wonderful thought. Or that it will make it possible for anybody that has something important that other people should hear to say it, without any fear of being shut up or coerced or that sort of thing.

If You Build It, They Won’t Care: Designing Privacy-Preserving Technologies for People with Other Interests

I think that privacy is something that we can think of in terms of a civil right, as individuals. […] That’s a civil rights issue. But I think there’s also a way to think about it in terms of a social issue that’s larger than simply the individual.

Garrett Robinson at Aaron Swartz Day 2015

The thing about SecureDrop […] is that it’s changed a lot in the past two years. But what I realized was that the core design, the core architecture, is almost completely unchanged from what Aaron created and called DeadDrop over 2 years ago today.