
Political Thought on the Just Rebellion, part 1

Is there a com­mon­al­i­ty of rea­sons for why you rise up? The idea of what is just can be very much inter­ro­gat­ed from do you mean in terms of jus­tice?” And then who’s con­cep­tion of jus­tice? What philo­soph­i­cal, what eth­i­cal back­ground of jus­tice are you refer­ring to? Or are you talk­ing about justified? What jus­ti­fi­ca­tion leads you to rebel?

Religion and World Politics part 11
Urban Polities and Wide Open Spaces

When we look at con­tem­po­rary inter­na­tion­al pol­i­tics, we often look back to the sec­ond Gulf War, the war against Saddam Hussein and his much rumored, much vaunt­ed, but nonex­is­tent weapons of mass destruc­tion as the begin­ning of an adven­ture full of hubris and con­tain­ing a neme­sis that’s come back to haunt us.