
We Need A New Image of Africa

To have the hunter tell it, Africa is full of meek sto­ries about des­per­a­tion and despair. So when artists like myself offer an alter­nate vision, often we’re asked to defend our imag­i­na­tion. Why do we feel we have the lux­u­ry to cre­ate? Shouldn’t we be deal­ing with more impor­tant issues like cor­rup­tion, or war, or AIDS, or poverty?

Nobody Knows a Damn Thing

I’ve always been real­ly inter­est­ed in this idea of whether or not we can pre­dict hits. You speak to any­one who works in the enter­tain­ment indus­try, and every­one has their was sto­ries of that film they were sure was going to become a hit which some­how became a miss. There are niche films which appeal to every­one, and per­haps more like­ly, films that are designed to appeal to every­one which some­how appeal to no one.