
Ten Years of Terror: Zygmunt Bauman

No one is in control. That is the major source of contemporary fear. The fears are scattered. The fears are diffused. We can’t pinpoint the sources wherefrom they are coming. They seem to be ubiquitous.

What is the Sickness of Our Times?

There are these two basic fundamental fears, these ur-fears that are rippling through our societies. The first is the fear of complexity, and the second is the fear of change.

The Conversation #54 – Charles Bowden

I don’t understand the fear. And that’s the biggest threat. And the reason it’s a threat is it makes your judgment bad. You never make good decisions when you’re afraid. And it destroys your ability to clearly look at the facts and do something. You choke, in other words.

The Spawn of Frankenstein: Fear of the Unknown

It’s not the strangeness of new technologies that frightens us but the way technology threatens to make us strangers to ourselves. In a semi-Freudian spirit, then, I’d like to propose that where Frankenstein and its spawn are concerned, our fear of the unknown may really be about our discomfort with knowing.

The Conversation #12 – Gabriel Stempinski

In the future, we have to change the way we look at consumption. That’s why I’m such a big proponent of the sharing economy. Because it’s not an issue of if it’s going to happen, it’s when it’s going to happen. And I’d rather people voluntarily adopt it now and start realizing the benefit of it now while we’re still in this kind of relative land of plenty, than be forced into it later when all of a sudden there’s not enough water to cover Phoenix anymore because it’s a huge city in the middle of a desert and they have to go on water rationing.

Joanne McNeil at Haunted Machines

I’m going to talk about things that scare me on the Internet, things that I’m afraid of, and things that maybe we can’t yet make a horror film. We definitely can’t make a film as bad as The Ruins about this stuff, but I would say it’s a lot scarier than The Ruins, which is just gross.