

Full Surrogacy Now means two dialec­ti­cal­ly opposed things. It is simul­ta­ne­ous­ly a utopi­an cry for the queer ges­ta­tion­al com­mune, and a descrip­tion of what’s going on right now, which is very much not that. The dystopi­an struc­ture of plan­e­tary real­i­ty in the present. Indentured ser­vice, sub­al­ter­ni­ty, crowd­fund­ing, out­sourc­ing, neo­feu­dal­ism, civ­il strifes, invis­i­b­lized sub-sub-contracting, and above all—to use the phrase of Shellee Colen—reproductive stratification. 

Architectures of Quarantine & Containment

One very inter­est­ing addi­tion to the pub­lic space is how we are con­di­tion­ing and defin­ing the pub­lic space with regards to even­tu­al attacks. And it’s chang­ing the land­scape rad­i­cal­ly. And the very first knee-jerk reac­tion was con­crete blocks in front of many insti­tu­tions. Now they’re try­ing to design these con­crete blocks so they seem some­thing which is part of the land­scape but the pres­ence and the robust­ness is still so vio­lent that it’s hard to hide the intention.

Peter W. Singer’s Advice for the Next President

If I had to sug­gest one job for the next President to do for a day, it would be to take on the role of a mil­i­tary spouse whose wife has deployed abroad.

1,862 Fewer Years in Prison

We make the fam­i­ly an essen­tial and effec­tive part of the defense team, so they could change the out­come of cas­es and trans­form the land­scape of pow­er in the court system.