

Full Surrogacy Now means two dialectically opposed things. It is simultaneously a utopian cry for the queer gestational commune, and a description of what’s going on right now, which is very much not that. The dystopian structure of planetary reality in the present. Indentured service, subalternity, crowdfunding, outsourcing, neofeudalism, civil strifes, invisiblized sub-sub-contracting, and above all—to use the phrase of Shellee Colen—reproductive stratification.

Architectures of Quarantine & Containment

One very interesting addition to the public space is how we are conditioning and defining the public space with regards to eventual attacks. And it’s changing the landscape radically. And the very first knee-jerk reaction was concrete blocks in front of many institutions. Now they’re trying to design these concrete blocks so they seem something which is part of the landscape but the presence and the robustness is still so violent that it’s hard to hide the intention.

Peter W. Singer’s Advice for the Next President

If I had to suggest one job for the next President to do for a day, it would be to take on the role of a military spouse whose wife has deployed abroad.

1,862 Fewer Years in Prison

We make the family an essential and effective part of the defense team, so they could change the outcome of cases and transform the landscape of power in the court system.