
How to Fix the Internet #1: The Secret Court Approving Secret Surveillance

Our top­ic today is the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which is also called the FISC or the FISA Court. The judges who sit on this court are hand-picked by the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court; that’s cur­rent­ly Justice Roberts. The FISA Court meets in secret, and has a lim­it­ed pub­lic dock­et. And until recent­ly it had almost no pub­lic records of its decisions.

2013 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: John Perry Barlow

My great­est hope, and the thing I’ve been work­ing for most of my life now, is that it will real­ize itself as being some­thing that makes it pos­si­ble for any­body to know any­thing that they’re capa­ble of know­ing. Which I think is a won­der­ful thought. Or that it will make it pos­si­ble for any­body that has some­thing impor­tant that oth­er peo­ple should hear to say it, with­out any fear of being shut up or coerced or that sort of thing. 

Decentralize, Democratize, or Die

You might be more com­fort­able think­ing about deploy­ing math and code as your tac­tic, but I want to talk to you about the full suite of tac­tics that we use to effect change in the world. And this is a frame­work that we owe to this guy Lawrence Lessig.

Forbidden Research Welcome and Introduction: Cory Doctorow

At that moment when every­body is sud­den­ly car­ing about this stuff, that’s the moment at which nihilism can be avert­ed. It’s the moment in which nihilism must be avert­ed if you’re going to make a change. Peak indif­fer­ence is the moment when you stop con­vinc­ing peo­ple to care about an issue, and start con­vinc­ing them to do some­thing about it.

Cindy Cohn at Aaron Swartz Day 2015

We’ve got an inflec­tion point oppor­tu­ni­ty here and we ought to be talk­ing about this European Court of Justice opin­ion and what it means, because what the European Court of Justice said is the NSA sur­veil­lance is not appropriate.

Alison Macrina at Aaron Swartz Day 2015

The whole Library Freedom Project, every­thing that we do is very deeply inspired by Aaron’s spir­it, his work in resis­tance, his lega­cy. And every day that we go into libraries and teach prac­ti­cal pri­va­cy train­ings, I feel like Aaron is very much present in all that we do.