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p5js Diversity & FLOSS Panel Introduction

This project started two years ago when I’d been feeling like I really wanted to give back to the open-source community, but I didn’t know where to begin. I felt like the barriers were really high, and I wasn’t sure I was even welcome.

Johanna Hedva at p5js Diversity

I wanted to begin my talk by making a confession that I am a total outsider to your community in the sense that I don’t usually code. I wanted to give you a little story to locate me, and how I got to where I am today in being part of this community but from a different perspective.

Stephanie Migdalia Pi Herrera at p5js Diversity

I was visiting New York, and I got to see people who were coding who did not look like the people at my startup. Who did not act like the people at my startup. It was a very different program, obviously a lot of artists. That was really interesting to me, and I was like, “Oh. These are atypical developers. Maybe I could be an atypical developer.”

Phoenix Perry at p5js Diversity

I’m going to tell you a little bit about an organization I run, The Code Liberation Foundation. We teach women to program games for free. We’ve taught over a thousand new woman to be programmers, between the ages of sixteen to sixty.

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