
Cory Booker’s Advice for the Next President

We have a tax system right now that creates a lot of perverse incentives. It incentivizes jobs moving overseas, incentivizes a lack of investment here at home, these inversions that are happening. And I do believe that when it comes to paying fair taxes, there’s a lot of folks who are paying large percentages of their incoming taxes, but that’s not reflected in other asset brackets.

The Education of Mark Zuckerberg: Lessons Learned from the People of Newark

You might have heard that this week Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan announced that they’re going to give away 99% of their Facebook stock in hopes of making the world a much better place for their newborn daughter and her generation. Now, I just want to be right up front with you. I have no inside information about this fascinating development. But what I do have is inside information, the inside story, on a gift that this couple made five years ago in their first act as philanthropists.