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p5js Diversity & FLOSS Panel Introduction

This project start­ed two years ago when I’d been feel­ing like I real­ly want­ed to give back to the open-source com­mu­ni­ty, but I did­n’t know where to begin. I felt like the bar­ri­ers were real­ly high, and I was­n’t sure I was even welcome.

Phoenix Perry at p5js Diversity

I’m going to tell you a lit­tle bit about an orga­ni­za­tion I run, The Code Liberation Foundation. We teach women to pro­gram games for free. We’ve taught over a thou­sand new woman to be pro­gram­mers, between the ages of six­teen to sixty.

Bad Nomadism

Sketching the talk out last night, I decid­ed […] to sum­ma­rize briefly, reflect­ing back on every­thing that I’ve built recent­ly. It can kind of be sum­ma­rized as the infra­struc­ture by which I (and oth­ers) wish to live does­n’t exist; so we’ve no choice but to build it our­selves.” I kind of describe this and a lot of the oth­er things I do at this present moment as being the soft end of stacktivism.

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