
The Open City

In my view, what an open city means is that peo­ple are exposed to one anoth­er. That’s my idea of the open city, that it’s a place where phys­i­cal pres­ence with the oth­er, and com­fort with the phys­i­cal pres­ence of the oth­er, does the work of allow­ing peo­ple to live togeth­er even if they are not engaged in the process of negat­ing their differences.

ASU KEDtalks: Charting a Course for Colorado River Water

The sto­ry of run­ning Lava Falls is the sto­ry of the Colorado River in the American West today. Right now, we are in those rel­a­tive­ly calm waters above the rapids, enjoy­ing the beau­ti­ful canyon scenery. But, now we begin to hear the omi­nous roar. In the American West we face chal­lenges man­ag­ing the Colorado River.

The Stupefying Smart City

What I’m wor­ried about is that with the tech­no­log­i­cal tools that we have today, as in the past, our first use of them is the least inven­tive that we can make. And the issue is how urban­ists can actu­al­ly use these new tools well rather than use them in a way which is harmful.