
Violence & Art: An Interview with Robert Longo

America is dif­fer­ent than the rest of the coun­tries in the world because it’s the only coun­try I think that’s based upon the idea of team sport. Other coun­tries are based on race, reli­gion, tribe. The United States is the only coun­try in the world that’s based on the idea of a team. Because there’s all these diverse dif­fer­ent peo­ple, and we all work togeth­er for a goal. The prob­lem is that America, because it is a team, its main objec­tive is to win.

Selfies & security

We use the norms and tools soci­ety gives us to express the feel­ings we have about our­selves and oth­ers. But we’re vul­ner­a­ble, and this is proven even more­so with events like The Snappening, where thou­sands of sup­pos­ed­ly pri­vate images, and ephemer­al images, were leaked, many of which were nudes of young women. 

Ingrid Burrington at Deep Lab

So much of the work that is being done by the gov­ern­ment is actu­al­ly being done by third par­ties, and it’s a very lucra­tive busi­ness. So I went to this office park and kind of just walked around it, and it’s bor­ing. It’s real­ly kind of weird and bor­ing and it’s weird to think about the fact that these com­pa­nies that are enor­mous and involved in pret­ty unseem­ly shit appear like this, like this kind of crap­py build­ing with this kind of crap­py pub­lic art.