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Liberation Technology

My goal […] was to live in that ten­sion, to empow­er mak­ers, musi­cians, coders, and artists to con­tin­ue to make wide-eyed and yet still open-hearted— One of my favorite authors, Ursula K. LeGuin calls this the Grand Inquisitor’s Choice,” where you choose free­dom with­out hap­pi­ness, or hap­pi­ness with­out freedom.

Addie Wagenknecht at Deep Lab

I feel like a bit of a hyp­ocrite stand­ing up here. I have spent the last few weeks with anx­i­ety about how I need­ed to inspire a rev­o­lu­tion and a lec­ture that was twenty-two min­utes or less.

Deep Lab intro­duc­tion by Golan Levin

I con­ceived to invite Addie Wageknecht, who is an American and Austrian artist, who’s been deal­ing with issues of pri­va­cy and secu­ri­ty to say, What would you do?” and she pro­posed to get a dozen of the baddest-ass ladies that she knew togeth­er to brain­storm what it meant to make art nowa­days, and to deal with culture.

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