What’s most significant about September 11th ten years on I think is the illusion that it created of the end of politics. By the end of politics I mean the notion that force could rule. That terror could effectively…be sufficient for power. And this was an illusion I think that was recognizable at the time of September 11th but almost impossible to say. Almost impossible to say because of a variety of conditions of the dramatic nature of the event, and also of the forces of power that are arraigned with it.

I don’t want to live in a world where ISIS is scarier than hackers, especially in 2016. We previously held the title in 2013, ’14, and ’15. And to be honest I was a little bit disappointed when I saw this result. So I thought I’m in my 40s now, there’s a lot of young hackers in the audience, and I’m not going to pass the baton to you guys unless we have that number one spot back in our pile.