
Political Thought on the Just Rebellion, parts 9 & 10

We’ve talked about just war, and we’ve used just war the­o­ry as a tem­plate for dis­cussing just rebel­lion. And we’ve talked about the jus­tice that enables a rebel­lion to take place. And we’ve also talked about what is just con­duct with­in that rebel­lion, in both cas­es bor­row­ing from just war the­o­ry. What hap­pens, how­ev­er, if rebel­lion uses war as one of its instru­ments to achieve its aims?

Religion and World Politics part 6
The Advent of Al-Qaeda

Our tale begins in Afghanistan with the Soviet inva­sion in 1979. This came out of a blue sky, mil­i­tary speak for there were no clouds, there were no warn­ings. But sud­den­ly the Soviets invad­ed the coun­try in sup­port of a Soviet-inclined gov­ern­ment. But a gov­ern­ment which aroused huge resent­ments and resis­tance on the part of many many peo­ple in Afghanistan.