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Ten Years of Terror: Michael Hardt

What’s most sig­nif­i­cant about September 11th ten years on I think is the illu­sion that it cre­at­ed of the end of pol­i­tics. By the end of pol­i­tics I mean the notion that force could rule. That ter­ror could effectively…be suf­fi­cient for pow­er. And this was an illu­sion I think that was rec­og­niz­able at the time of September 11th but almost impos­si­ble to say. Almost impos­si­ble to say because of a vari­ety of con­di­tions of the dra­mat­ic nature of the event, and also of the forces of pow­er that are arraigned with it.

Ten Years of Terror: Michael Dillon

Ten years of the War on Terror I think has to be locat­ed also in the con­text of more than ten years of lib­er­al wel­fare since 1989, and the dis­so­lu­tion of the Soviet Union, and the end of the Cold War structures. 

Ten Years of Terror: Mary Kaldor

For me…human secu­ri­ty is say­ing an Afghan life is equal to a British life. And our secu­ri­ty is guar­an­teed by con­tribut­ing to a glob­al secu­ri­ty that treats all humans as equal. That’s some­thing very very dif­fi­cult for politi­cians to grasp. Partly because they still live in an old-fashioned world where they’re afraid if they use words like human secu­ri­ty” they’ll sound soft.

Ten Years of Terror: J. Peter Burgess

Few con­cepts have seized our polit­i­cal imag­i­na­tion in the last decade like secu­ri­ty. Few con­cepts have mobi­lized us to engage so many extra­or­di­nary mea­sures, to ded­i­cate so much mon­ey, and to change the lives of so many peo­ple as secu­ri­ty. And the con­cept of secu­ri­ty has not at all remained sta­ble. It has­n’t remained at all aloof or untouched by this process.

Ten Years of Terror: Brad Evans

A decade on, the vio­lence of September the 11th, 2001 still haunts the lib­er­al imag­i­nary of threat. And I guess by this what I mean is that the vio­lence of that fate­ful day now under­writes all forms of lib­er­al secu­ri­ty gov­er­nance, glob­al­ly. And I think this in many ways is of course under­stand­able. I per­son­al­ly find myself some­times deeply trou­bled by that fate­ful predica­ment faced by those peo­ple who decid­ed to take their own lives on that hor­ri­fy­ing day. However in spite of this, I think our response rep­re­sents noth­ing short of a pro­found fail­ure of the polit­i­cal and the philo­soph­i­cal imagination. 

Violence & Art: An Interview with Robert Longo

America is dif­fer­ent than the rest of the coun­tries in the world because it’s the only coun­try I think that’s based upon the idea of team sport. Other coun­tries are based on race, reli­gion, tribe. The United States is the only coun­try in the world that’s based on the idea of a team. Because there’s all these diverse dif­fer­ent peo­ple, and we all work togeth­er for a goal. The prob­lem is that America, because it is a team, its main objec­tive is to win.

Religion and World Politics part 6
The Advent of Al-Qaeda

Our tale begins in Afghanistan with the Soviet inva­sion in 1979. This came out of a blue sky, mil­i­tary speak for there were no clouds, there were no warn­ings. But sud­den­ly the Soviets invad­ed the coun­try in sup­port of a Soviet-inclined gov­ern­ment. But a gov­ern­ment which aroused huge resent­ments and resis­tance on the part of many many peo­ple in Afghanistan. 

The Conversation #45 — James Bamford

You’re not going to get a gen­er­a­tion of peo­ple out­raged that some­body’s read­ing their email like you would’ve in the 70s get­ting a gen­er­a­tion of peo­ple out­raged that you’re read­ing their snail mail.

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