Shigeki Goto: Thank you for the intro­duc­tion. We are all aware that UCLA is the very birth­place of ARPANET. However, UCLA’s activ­i­ty is quite wide. For my per­son­al mem­o­ries, UCLA is a place of arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence. Here is the evi­dence. That was one of the top con­fer­ences on arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence, IJCAI, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, held in 1985. [applause] I made a pre­sen­ta­tion at IJCAI which I will not explain because it needs fif­teen min­utes. That was my last activ­i­ty in California at the time. I was a vis­it­ing schol­ar at Stanford University, under the lead­er­ship of pro­fes­sor John McCarthy, who coined the word arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence.” And then I real­ized the real pow­er of the ARPANET dur­ing my stay at Stanford University, and I returned from Los Angeles to Tokyo and back to my home insti­tute, NTT Laboratories. NTT is a Japanese tele­phone company. 

Then, I had good news and bad news. The good news is my col­leagues [were] eager to deploy IP net­work in Japan to facil­i­tate joint inter­na­tion­al projects. So then I sim­ply fol­lowed the Stanford way and just pur­chased Cisco prod­uct, the first Cisco prod­uct user in Japan. And asked SRI-NIC to allo­cate a glob­al IP address, which was not con­nect­ed in 1985. However my friend Ken Murakami, using a mod­i­fied ver­sion of IOS, with help from Cisco founder Len Bosack, who was a research asso­ciate at Stanford at the time. 

So then, oth­er friends were quite eager to real­ize a mul­ti­lin­gual real­iza­tion of the Internet and they came up with a mod­i­fied Mosaic brows­er with a serv­er. Which is very hard to read but it’s 1993, just the before the boom of the World Wide Web, made by my friends [Toaki?], Toshihiro and Susumu. They achieved their goal just before the boom of World Wide Web. That’s good. 

And then my friend Yasuki Saito, nego­ti­at­ed with NSF and the DOD to make the IP net­work offi­cial, the Ken Murakami-modified IOS, DNI [IDN?]; and NTT and BBN, that’s the very first IP pack­et between Japan and the US in sum­mer 1988

So these are all good news, and we had a friend in Korea and China. We all worked togeth­er on mul­ti­lin­gual browsers and servers, and that comes to the inter­na­tion­al domain names right now. These are good news. 

The bad news was my dream in arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence which I described in my paper at IJCAI at UCLA was proved to be infea­si­ble the­o­ret­i­cal­ly. Very sad sto­ry for me as a com­put­er scientist. 

So then, there are many sup­port­ers for the IP net­work and I have zero dream in arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence. I had to switch my pri­ma­ry research area from arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence to com­put­er net­works. That’s my per­son­al story. 

So I learned a les­son. It’s accept­able to give up one dream. Still, there should be some­thing for us to con­tribute to human soci­ety. In my life, that was the Internet. Thank you very much for induct­ing me to the Internet Hall of Fame. It’s the great­est hon­or to me, and my friends. Thank you very much.