Intertitle: Which overlooked issue should the next President prioritize?

Campbell Brown: Without question, to me the issue is education. Two out of three 8th graders in this country cannot read or do math at grade level. We are not preparing our kids for what the future holds. Globalization, advances in technology are changing our world so quickly, and we are not preparing our children for the world to come.

Intertitle: What job should the next President have to do?

Brown: I think the next president should spend time in the classroom as a teacher, but in two different kinds of classrooms. I think that the president should visit and spend a day—or more—teaching in a high-poverty school that’s failing, and truly understand, or try to understand, what that environment looks like and feels like.

And then go to a suburban school, where they have a much different experience. But also different challenges. There’s not a one size fits all, but we have to be much more thoughtful about how we’re addressing these problems.

Further Reference

Introductory post about this series, and for this installment, at Slate.