State of the Net 2015


presented by Luca De Biase

My propo­si­tion is that we are not in his­to­ry any­more, we are in hyper­his­to­ry. If we want to dis­cuss about hyper­his­to­ry, when every­thing is writ­ten, when not only the impor­tant things are writ­ten but every­thing is writ­ten, then we have a lot of ques­tions to answer. What is impor­tant? Who has the pow­er? What is freedom? 

Computers That Just Work
Trying to Finally Automate Away Bureaucracy

presented by Vinay Gupta

Everybody thinks of bureau­crats as being kind of a neu­tral force. But I’m going to make the case that bureau­crats are in fact a very strong­ly neg­a­tive force, and that automat­ing the bureau­crat­ic func­tions inside of our soci­ety is nec­es­sary for fur­ther human progress.