re:publica (Page 2 of 2)

Are We Living Inside an Ethical (and Kind) Machine?

presented by Mark Surman

This is a moment to ask as we make the plan­et dig­i­tal, as we total­ly envel­op our­selves in the com­put­ing envi­ron­ment that we’ve been build­ing for the last hun­dred years, what kind of dig­i­tal plan­et do we want? Because we are at a point where there is no turn­ing back, and get­ting to eth­i­cal deci­sions, val­ues deci­sions, deci­sions about democ­ra­cy, is not some­thing we have talked about enough nor in a way that has had impact.

Online Platforms as Human Rights Arbiters

presented by Rikke Frank Jørgensen

What does it mean for human rights pro­tec­tion that we have large cor­po­rate interests—the Googles, the Facebooks of our time—that con­trol and gov­ern a large part of the online infrastructure?

Behind the Screen: The People and Politics of Commercial Content Moderation

presented by Sarah T Roberts

When I asked my peers and my pro­fes­sors if they’d ever heard of this type of work, two things hap­pened. The first thing is that they said no, they had­n’t. The sec­ond thing they said, which is prob­a­bly what you’re think­ing, is, Well, can’t com­put­ers do that?” And in fact the answer to that is no.

Getting Vinyl in Kenyan Basements to Collectors Globally

presented by Evans Campbell

I’m going to take you through a project that I start­ed back home in Kenya that aims to col­lect vinyl that peo­ple just have chill­ing around at home. Basically we used to have the only press­ing plant in East Africa between 1976 and 1990, and we used to press about a hun­dred and thir­ty thou­sand LPs every year. But right now there are lots of peo­ple who have those, but they’re not doing any­thing with them. 

Nudes and N00dz

presented by Addie Wagenknecht, Jillian C York

What we’re talk­ing about today is how social media, and specif­i­cal­ly Facebook because we’ve found that they have the strictest poli­cies around this top­ic, how these social media com­pa­nies cen­sor art, and specif­i­cal­ly nude art. We believe that nude art is an impor­tant part of our cul­ture, an impor­tant part of our his­to­ry, and an impor­tant part of our present.

The Courage of Compassion: Transforming Your Experience With Criticism

presented by Heather Armstrong

People will ask me, How do you deal with this feed­back? Does it hurt you?” And my response is yes, it does. Because if it did­n’t hurt me, then I think I would lose the capac­i­ty that I have to write sto­ries that con­nect with peo­ple. If I become immune to the hurt and to the pain, then I can’t write some­thing that moves someone.

Lost in the Web – How to Navigate the Legal Maze and Protect Free Speech Online

presented by Nani Jansen

We all know that a lot of speech is mov­ing online these days, either by choice because it’s a cheap and acces­si­ble way of pub­lish­ing, or by neces­si­ty. At the same time we see an increase in attempts to con­trol free speech online, in what should actu­al­ly be a space in which infor­ma­tion can flow freely.

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