The premise of our project is really that we are surrounded by machines that are reading what we write, and judging us based on whatever they think we’re saying.
MIT Harvard 2019 Assembly Showcase

Watch Your Words
presented by Bernease Herman, Erich Ludwig, Joseph Williams, Walt Frick

Surveillance State of the Union
presented by B Cavello, Carl Governale
We wanted to look at how surveillance, how these algorithmic decisionmaking systems and surveillance systems feed into this kind of targeting decisionmaking. And in particular what we’re going to talk about today is the role of the AI research community. How that research ends up in the real world being used with real-world consequences.

Kaleidoscope: Positionality-aware Machine Learning
presented by Elizabeth Dubois
Positionality is the specific position or perspective that an individual takes given their past experiences, their knowledge; their worldview is shaped by positionality. It’s a unique but partial view of the world. And when we’re designing machines we’re embedding positionality into those machines with all of the choices we’re making about what counts and what doesn’t count.

AI Blindspot
presented by Dan Taber
AI Blindspot is a discovery process for spotting unconscious biases and structural inequalities in AI systems.