MeeNa Ko

Shall Make, Shall Be Panel/Q&A 2

in Shall Make, Shall Be

Golan Levin: Welcome back every­one. So for the last few min­utes here we’re going to have a group dis­cus­sion Q&A mod­er­at­ed by pro­fes­sor of Games Learning at the Parsons School of Design John Sharp. Come on in, John. And come on in every­one else, too. I’m gonna pop out. John Sharp: Thank you, Golan. Thank you every­body …read the full transcript.

Broken Ghost (Arnab Chakravarty, Ian McNeely) + Moaw! (MeeNa Ko): Verbal Gymnastics
Amendment VII: Rights in Civil Cases

in Shall Make, Shall Be

We basi­cal­ly kind of dou­bled down on this idea that the game had to have the per­for­mance of the truth at the core of it. So we elim­i­nat­ed the spo­ken poet­ry because in the per­for­mance of the truth the words don’t real­ly mat­ter at all.