Leon Wieseltier

What is the Sickness of Our Times?

in Nexus Symposium 2019: The Magic Mountain Revisited

There are these two basic fundamental fears, these ur-fears that are rippling through our societies. The first is the fear of complexity, and the second is the fear of change.

What is the Value of Culture?

in Nexus Symposium 2019: The Magic Mountain Revisited

In America now, you can defend the humanities but only on economic grounds. So a theater improves a neighborhood. Or many people who study English become McKinsey consultants. But the fact is that you do it for itself, intrinsically, and you do it for the cultivation of the person and the cultivation of the citizen. Which should be reward enough.

Nihilism and Human Nature: Good or Bad?

in Nexus Symposium 2019: The Magic Mountain Revisited

I’m very diffident towards values, any kind of. Because you know, values can be very dangerous. And as the poem of Yeats says, the passionate intensity in believing in something can be very dangerous.