Genevieve Bell

Genevieve Bell Anita Borg Institute Leadership Award 2013 Acceptance Speech

in Women of Vision 2013

I went about working out why it was that little Aboriginal girls could say they were boss for themselves. And what it meant to be independent and self-determining. But I also realized that to live in an Aboriginal community was to be embedded and nested in a constant set of relationships and responsibilities, and you could be boss for yourself, but only if you were also respectful of your relationships and your responsibilities and your obligations.

Seeing Eternity in a Daffodil: Making Robots, Making Life

in Webstock 2015

In this talk I want to suggest that it’s never quite as simple as to say there is technology and there is art. That there is technology and there is culture. Clearly these things have always been in dialogue and are still. So this means this is a story about art and technology.