Ermanno Pietrosemoli: In the first place I would like to thank the Internet Society not only for this award but for the unrelenting support of the training activities undertaken by EsLaRed, the Latin-American Networking School of which I am the president.

Next, my gratitude to the International Center for Theoretical Physics, which in 1990 held the first networking school that was the inspiration for the creation of EsLaRed, and for the continuing support offered ever since to out institution.

The Latin American and Caribbean registry Glenn Ricart. He invited me to spend part of my 1991 sabbatical at SURAnet, where I was able to observe the complexity of running a big regional network. Furthermore, Glenn introduced me to Saul Hahn from the Organization of American States, OAS, who had a program to promote Internet in Latin America through which he provided funding for the first networking school that was held in Mérida in 1992.

OAS had also donated a VSAT station to Venezuela. Years later, I was able to rescue that station and use it to connect our university directly to the National Science Foundation backbone in Homestead, Florida.

Ben Segal from CERN was one of the instructors of the ICTP networking school who accepted to participate in our training initiative in Mérida, and he later suggested that we should seek ISoc’s support to conduct further workshops in Spanish in other countries of the region.

My thanks to the Association for Progressive Communications, APC, and to the International Development Research Center, IDRC, from Canada for it’s support to develop training materials and conduct long-distance wifi experiments.

So I really want to thank all the people, and some of which are in this room. And I will also like to mention Peter Deutsch, that was one of the early instructors of EsLaRed, and who also worked in the development of Archie that was mentioned before. And George Sadowsky, who was one of the earliest supporters of our activity, and Lynn St. Amour, and many other people around here that I don’t have the time to recognize all of them. But thank you very much.