This honor for me is too high. At this exciting moment, my sincere gratitude first of all goes to the initiators and creators of the great Internet, which has changed and is changing the world, including my country. Secondly, I would pay my high respect and gratitude to ISOC as the primary nurturer and leader of the global Internet community. And many individuals of this community who have devoted their support to promote the Internet development in China. And thirdly I would like to thank also my Chinese colleagues during their efforts in the early years to lay the road for the Internet entering China.

I think the honor of Internet Hall of Fame, precious gift and encouragement to the Chinese Internet community. The users, companies providing services, and the many researchers and technology and application innovators, they are trying their best to blaze new trails, contributing to the global Internet evolution. And also many many young self-starters who are fighting their way out with the Internet and promising the future prosperous.

After twenty years having the Internet in Chinese people’s life, when we look back now what we find is a big change in the society and in people themselves. The Internet has dramatically accelerated the stepping forward course of my country. I believe the better future is related with the global multistakeholders. Of them, the Chinese Internet community is a vibrant part.

Being able to join my tiny efforts to the historical stream of mankind to bring the great Internet to life in my country, that is my lifetime honor, and the happiest thing that is permanently deep in my heart. Thank you.

Further Reference

Qiheng Hu profile, Internet Hall of Fame 2013