Well, along with Barry’s wife Ellen and his children Jason and Dierdre, and the rest of the family, of course, I’m just thrilled to be here on behalf of my brother. We also want to thank the Internet Society for allowing us to participate in this just wonderful event.

Well, the family knew of Barry’s involvement with the Internet, but he was always so matter of fact about it that we knew very little about the extent of his roles and contributions. Jason told me before I left that he remembers Barry telling him, “Just make society a better place.” That was Barry. We now realize how profound a role he played in doing just that.

Barry had a remarkable ability to bring together diverse people, organizations, to help make decisions and the plans that became the Internet as we know it today. From what I’ve seen over the past couple of days, the people in this room are passionate and have no shortage of opinions about how to do that. So it must have been quite a challenge.

Well, it seems quite fitting and even ironic that his family should accept this award for him, since he much preferred accomplishment to any personal recognition. So with that in mind, I’m very very pleased to accept this honor for my brother Barry.

Further Reference

Barry Leiner profile, Internet Hall of Fame 2013