Intertitle: What was Dr. Yamaguchi’s greatest contribution to the internet?

Hiroshi Esaki: The first one is he’s a founding member of the WIDE Project that is the initiating R&D and business of the Internet in Japan, as well as collaborating with global partners in order to make the Internet the real infrastructure for everyone.

The second achievement of his is he is a leader and a founding member of the AI3 [pron. “A triple-I”], the Asian Internet Interconnection infrastructure that is connecting more than thirty universities in Asia, of thirty countries in the Asian region, that is leading Internet education as well as infrastructure development in the Asian area.

The third of his achievements is the cybersecurity business that is [?] he is the initiator of cybersecurity in Japan as well as collaborating with global partners for a long time. More than twenty years. And then he initiated Japanese Cert, called JPCERT, that is a key group who are making cybersecurity in the Japanese community. And also he worked with the Japanese government. He initiated NISC. That’s the national institute of cybersecurity business and policymaking in Japan.

The fourth achievement of his is the expansion of cybersecurity education, and the deployment in Africa especially. He had a long-time trip working with the Asian partners as well as African people. So he really wanted cybersecurity for everyone on the globe.

Intertitle: What is Dr. Yamaguchi’s lasting legacy in the internet?

Esaki: Well, he is really the initiating…the group of the Internet in Japan. That’s very hard. Because a lot of people never believed in the Internet at the time. Then he is a great humor person. Always he is smiling, and let people happy to smile. And then he’s a great leader with technical expertise. So he’s a really technical and scientific… Any single activity, he is leading the Internet in Japan, while collaborating with global partners.

Intertitle: What were Dr. Yamaguchi’s greatest challenges and how did he overcome them?

Esaki: Well, [?] Professor Jun Murai (he’s the founder of the WIDE Project), always we are collaborating. Sometimes fighting with each other and struggling to collaborate. Though he is a most influential person, and partner of his, in achieving his great contributions to the Internet, I believe.

Intertitle: What is one of the most important lessons your father taught you?

Rui Takita: He actually showed me that if he believes something to do, just continuing, it’s actually…he’s going to achieve it someday. So that’s actually [what I] learned from him.

Further Reference

Internet Hall of Fame profile