
The Conversation #65 – Rebecca Solnit

There’s a lot of beautiful things. And I think if there’s one thing I’m most deeply disquiet about it’s…power. Why are we doing almost nothing about climate change? It’s because despite the fact that most people on earth and many government on Earth do, the oil corporations and the governments most closely allied to the oil corporations, notably ours, don’t want to do anything.

The Conversation #34 – Douglas Rushkoff

I would say a better place looks like…having dinner with the person who lives next door to you. Knowing who they are. A better place is sharing the same snowblower on your block. The better place is easiest to imagine, and ultimately get to, if we look at it in terms of our incremental moment-to-moment choices.

Interview with Lal Hardy, Tattoo Artist

The reality TV shows have been a blessing and a hindrance, I think, to a lot of tattoo artists. The reality is, reality shows aren’t real. But they do make people aware of tattooing.