
Geek of the Week: Bernhard Stockman

Carl Malamud: Internet Talk Radio, flame of the Internet. This is Geek of the Week and we’re talking to Bernhard Stockman who is technical director of EBONE, the European backbone. Welcome to Geek of the Week Bernhard Stockman: Okay, thank you. Thank you. Malamud: Why don’t you tell us what EBONE is? Stockman: Okay. EBONE …read the full transcript.

Invisible Images of Surveillance

One of the things I really want out of art, what I see the job of the artist to be is to try to learn how to see the historical moment that you find yourself living in. I mean that very simply and I mean it very literally. How do you see the world around you?

Re-calling the Modem World: The Dial-Up History Of Social Media

Where did the Internet come from? And in order to answer that question, you would have to have a pretty clear idea of what you mean when you say “the Internet.” I suspect that if we were to poll everybody in the room, we would have a variety of different, sometimes contradictory, sometimes incompatible, sometimes overlapping, definitions of “the Internet.”