
Interview with Lal Hardy, Tattoo Artist

The real­i­ty TV shows have been a bless­ing and a hin­drance, I think, to a lot of tat­too artists. The real­i­ty is, real­i­ty shows aren’t real. But they do make peo­ple aware of tattooing.

Interview with Dr. Matt Lodder, Art Historian

Not real­ly many art pro­fes­sion­als, or any art pro­fes­sion­als real­ly, have though through what this might mean for art prac­tice and art the­o­ry. How can we think about tat­too­ing as an art form? If we do think about it as an art form, what are the con­se­quences of that for the ways tat­too­ing is nor­mal­ly understood?