
Interview with Filip Leu, Tattoo Artist

The main dri­ve we all have is the desire to be tat­tooed. Design comes in sec­ondary, absolute­ly, because there are mul­ti­ple choic­es at every turn that would suit just fine.

Interview with Lal Hardy, Tattoo Artist

The real­i­ty TV shows have been a bless­ing and a hin­drance, I think, to a lot of tat­too artists. The real­i­ty is, real­i­ty shows aren’t real. But they do make peo­ple aware of tattooing.

Interview with Dr Margo DeMello, Cultural Anthropologist

Even if [the media] are going to talk about a fine art show in Paris, they still fall back on those same old phras­es, which is, You’re not going to find sailors here!”

Interview with Paul Sayce, Vice-President, Tattoo Club of Great Britain

I’ve been tat­tooed by mem­bers of my fam­i­ly and peo­ple who’ve nev­er tat­tooed before, because I just want the mark. To me, the tat­too­ing is more of a mark than an actu­al picture.