
2014 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: Srinivasan Ramani

The break­through moments were the moments when you suc­ceed­ed in estab­lish­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion. To a per­son in our field it’s a bit like the moment when Marconi tries to estab­lish com­mu­ni­ca­tion over the Atlantic. And you’re per­son­al­ly reen­act­ing it in your own life, doing it in a dif­fer­ent con­text using a technology.

Srinivasan Ramani’s Internet Hall of Fame 2014 Induction Speech

I stand here as a rep­re­sen­ta­tive of num­ber of groups of col­leagues. The work that was described was a part of what I did as part of the Indian aca­d­e­m­ic net­work project called the Education & Research Network, ERNET, fund­ed by the gov­ern­ment of India and sup­port­ed by the United Nations Development Programme.