
2014 Internet Hall of Fame Interviews: Radia Perlman

The things that I designed made it so that the network would…you know, be self-fixing and self-organizing. There’s a lot of things that other people designed that are fancy features that work if you’ve configured them exactly right but if you make mistakes it just will be horrible. And so I’ve tried to talk to people like that sometimes, and they claim their customers love to configure things and they never make mistakes.

Radia Perlman’s Internet Hall of Fame 2014 Induction Speech

I would like to say that I was born knowing I was going to be designing protocols. But in fact, if I’d known more about computers when I was young, I would have said I would be happy doing pretty much anything as long as it didn’t involve computers.

Geek of the Week: Radia Perlman

The people that invented Ethernet did a real good thing. Ethernet is good technology. But they did a really bad thing because they called it a net. And they shouldn’t have called it Ethernet, they should’ve called it “Etherlink.”

Phoenix Perry at p5js Diversity

I’m going to tell you a little bit about an organization I run, The Code Liberation Foundation. We teach women to program games for free. We’ve taught over a thousand new woman to be programmers, between the ages of sixteen to sixty.