

Full Surrogacy Now means two dialectically opposed things. It is simultaneously a utopian cry for the queer gestational commune, and a description of what’s going on right now, which is very much not that. The dystopian structure of planetary reality in the present. Indentured service, subalternity, crowdfunding, outsourcing, neofeudalism, civil strifes, invisiblized sub-sub-contracting, and above all—to use the phrase of Shellee Colen—reproductive stratification.

Jen Lowe at Deep Lab

Almost a year ago, I put my heartbeat online, and along with my heartbeat an accounting of all the days I’ve lived, and the days I statistically have yet to live, along with my average heartbeat for each day. So I was playing with the idea of privacy. Here’s this very intimate measure, in a way. But I’m not worried about sharing it because there’s not much you can learn about me from my heart rate.