
The Conversation #34 — Douglas Rushkoff

I would say a bet­ter place looks like…having din­ner with the per­son who lives next door to you. Knowing who they are. A bet­ter place is shar­ing the same snow­blow­er on your block. The bet­ter place is eas­i­est to imag­ine, and ulti­mate­ly get to, if we look at it in terms of our incre­men­tal moment-to-moment choices.

Andie Nordgren at The Conference 2015

Hello. Let’s talk about ego. I believe that many projects and orga­ni­za­tions today have too much of it, and that it hin­ders them from doing bet­ter design work on prod­ucts and ser­vices. That’s a bit of an accu­sa­tion, so let me talk you through what makes me say that.

Katherine Cross at The Conference 2015

Simply put, anonymi­ty does not cause harass­ment. It does play a role, but it’s much much more com­pli­cat­ed than most peo­ple have made it out to be. The rea­son that this is impor­tant to under­stand is because it’s hav­ing a prac­ti­cal impact on the world right now.