
Nudes and N00dz

What we’re talk­ing about today is how social media, and specif­i­cal­ly Facebook because we’ve found that they have the strictest poli­cies around this top­ic, how these social media com­pa­nies cen­sor art, and specif­i­cal­ly nude art. We believe that nude art is an impor­tant part of our cul­ture, an impor­tant part of our his­to­ry, and an impor­tant part of our present.

The Courage of Compassion: Transforming Your Experience With Criticism

People will ask me, How do you deal with this feed­back? Does it hurt you?” And my response is yes, it does. Because if it did­n’t hurt me, then I think I would lose the capac­i­ty that I have to write sto­ries that con­nect with peo­ple. If I become immune to the hurt and to the pain, then I can’t write some­thing that moves someone.

When Algorithms Fail in Our Personal Lives

I won­der with all these vary­ing lev­els of needs that we have as users, and as we live more and more of our lives dig­i­tal­ly and on social media, what would it look like to design a semi-private space in a pub­lic network?

Steal This Talk

Appropriation is some­thing we’re real­ly uncom­fort­able with. We talk about it most­ly in neg­a­tive terms, when we even talk about it at all. But it’s also weird­ly a pret­ty fun­da­men­tal part of how we work.