
Latinx Environmentalisms: Place, Justice, and the Decolonial

This is a panel that proposes to talk about liberatory, joyful aesthetics. And if you’ve taken the time to read the Green New Deal, it doesn’t really take a lot of care to appeal to us in an aesthetic way, right. It’s a bureaucratic document. But we’re challenged here to talk about cultural politics and the Green New Deal, or what Damian said this morning, how does that politics feel and entice?

The Conversation #18 – David Korten

I like to think that we are an intelligent species. I mean, actually the people that often get this most quickly are the people who are poorest, because they know the system doesn’t work. But so many of our supposedly brightest people pick this up and don’t question it. And then we have the all the whole field of economics, which is an ideology built on assumptions that if you examine them are absurd. Because you know, economists simply look at the economy as a pricing system. They’re not system thinkers. Part of the cause our crisis is that we’re not educated to think in terms of systems.