
Decoding Workforce Productivity: Benjamin Waber

I could ask you ques­tions about where your cus­tomers buy prod­ucts, or what sort of prod­ucts they buy. And you could give me very detailed answers. But I could ask rel­a­tive­ly sim­i­lar ques­tions about what goes on with­in your com­pa­ny that you can’t answer.

The Conversation #11 — Lisa Petrides

Obviously there’s human rights that have to do with water and air and safe­ty and shel­ter, but I think edu­ca­tion is right there with it because it real­ly is a pub­lic good. I have such a hard time with peo­ple who say, for exam­ple, who don’t have chil­dren and say, Well why should I pay those tax­es. I don’t have any­body in the schools. It’s not ben­e­fit­ting me.” And I think how can you pos­si­bly say that? Those are the peo­ple that are ser­vic­ing you, whether they’re ser­vic­ing your roads or your super­mar­ket or your med­ical offices.